O-I Glass & Krones sign collaboration agreement

O-I Glass and Germany's Krones signed a strategic collaboration agreement. Photo - Krones

Ohio-based glass bottle and jar producer O-I Glass and Germany'due south Krones signed a strategic collaboration agreement that aims to elevate glass past innovating together and to create solutions for the growing glass market jointly.

"For O-I, glass is the preferred packaging solution in a world that increasingly values health, premium products and the environment. Not only does it maintain the integrity of the products and protects the environs, equally customers and consumers intend, but it also offers magnificent opportunities for establishing brands and implementing sustainable solutions," explains Andres Lopez, president, and chief executive officer at O-I. "This agreement is the kickoff pace that O-I and Krones are taking together in order to offer clients completely integrated, end-to-stop solutions in the futurity."

Focus areas include improvements in glass filling and packaging line speed and efficiency, enhanced agility and flexibility of responding to market trends; evolution of innovative and sustainable glass systems; and digital solutions such equally straight-to-glass digital press engineering.

"In production facilities all over the world, the products of O-I and Krones are already encountering each other. So information technology was absolutely logical to improve still further the compatibility of Krones' complete lines and the drinking glass containers from O-I," adds Christoph Klenk, chief executive officer of Krones.

With this understanding, the ii companies combine O-I's specialized knowledge of glass with Krones' leading competence in manufacturing machines and filling lines for the food and potable industries.

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Source: https://packagingsouthasia.com/application/krones-2/

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